Taming of the Shrew - New Wimbledon Theatre
Hi everyone,My name is Samuel Morgan-Grahame, I'm the musical director of a young company called Arrows and Traps, who are bring our brand new, re-imagining of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew to the New Wimbledon Studio Theatre from May 27th - June 20th. We can't wait to share it with the Wimbledon community, and are offering loads of workshops for schools in the area, and particularly students working on Shakespeare at school - to bring the Bard alive! At the moment we are fundraising in order to be able to offer more workshops, and bring the show to as high a standard as we would like it to be - there are some great rewards on offer if you help us out - but also, even if you can't we'd love to see you there! This is our fundraising link - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arrowsandtraps/taming-of-the-shrew-new-wimbledon-theatre?ref=nav_searchThanks so much, hope to see some of you in May!Samuel MG
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