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Do you want to preserve and improve the historic environment or ....

Dear fellow residentThe "local" developer who replaced the wonderful King of Denmark Pub on the Rigdway with the eyesore that is the Denmark Lofts is at it again, but on residential streets in the village conservation area --  on Clifton Road no less. Notwithstanding the fact that Merton's own Tall Building strategy regards developments of the scale being proposed the developer is seeking to exceed all reasonable limits and the council's stated objective to conserve and enhance the historic environment. Replacing a wonderful 1940s family home (which was looked after by an old chap who recently passed away) with  4+ storey monstrosity with a huge basement car park, removing much of the planted gardens -- huge demolition, sheet piling, huge dumper trucks and deliveries for what could be 2 years in the making. All next to the older folk who live in Rutland Lodge and Lyston House and causing huge potential risk to the young kids and parents of Kings Junior School, to name a few.BUT -- this is only the first concern because letting one in lets the next one and next one and so on.  Please visit the Denmark lofts on the Ridgeway (9 units and empty restaurant, studio/office and planting that is dying or go to Kemble Hall, 24 Keswick Road, Putney – 22 flats -- on another family house plot in a similar style to what is proposed -- but at least this had the top floor flats in the roof -- that's not the plan for Clifton Road -- the roof is on top -- making this a very high building.Have no doubt that the developer wishes to break the restrictive covenant in the title deed established by Dame Julia Vertue Mansel in 1920 to keep the home at 3 Clifton Road a single dwelling;  remove the existing shrubs and hedges; build apartments that will need to sell for more than 1.5-2.0m each (if there are only 4) -- this is not for the likes of most of us.  BUT what is more likely  -- he gets permission, then works out the selling price is too low, and seeks to convert the permission into even more units -- but "all in the envelope of the existing permission".  We have all seen this before. so we end up with Denmark Lofts again or Kemble Hall -- 9 or is it 22 units rammed on top of one another.  Welcome to high rise living and the complete lost Wimbledon's historic character  Please do have a look at the application and submit your comments/objections to: the following information1 Application reference number : 15/P27252 Your name 3 Your address 4 Planning application description  DEMOLITION OF EXISTING HOUSE TO BE REPLACED WITH A FOUR STOREY BLOCK OF FLATS (4 X 2 BEDROOMS) WITH UNDERGROUND PARKING.5 Your commentsHere's the link:   (

Andy Miller ● 3499d0 Comments