Metropolitan Police Pension RegistersNational Archives, MEPO 21Metropolitan PolicePension Number 30,887B or Chelsea Division8th day of January 1930John Widdows, late a Police Constable (Warrant no. 95068) resigned from this Division on the seventh day of January 1930, with pay to the seventh day ofJanuary 1930, to which day inclusive he will be paid, and he is entitled to a Pension of £112 14s. 2d per Annum, commencing on the eighth day of January1930Description of the PensionerDate of joining the M.P. Force – 21/10/1907Length of service in the Force – 22 years completedAge on resignation – 44 yearsRemuneration at date of retirement Pay - £4 10s per week Rent Aid - 11s per weekMarriedHeight – 5 feet 8 ¾ inchesHair – BrownEyes – HazelComplexion – FreshWhere and when born – Burmah, India, 20th March 1885Where and when married – Layer-de-La-Haye, near Colchester, Essex, 9 March 1912Particular mark, defect or infirmity – Deafness of left ear[Description of Pensioner's Wife]Height – 5 ft 4 ½ inchesHair – Dark brownEyes – BrownComplexion – FreshWhere and when Born – Layer-De-La-Haye, Essex, 1 March 1883Particular mark, defect or infirmity - NilSignature of Pensioner - John WiddowsSignature of Wife (if any) - Florence Louisa WiddowsWitness - C. Martin Rank - S.D. InspectorPolice Station – Walton Street
Neil Milkins ● 2678d