Documentary: Family Life in Britain
Does your family resemble the cast of hit TV series 'Outnumbered'? Are your kids outspoken, funny and cheeky? Rare Day, a documentary production company, are looking for families to take part in a fascinating film about modern family life.We're looking for families with more than one child to take part. Using a new type of camera, we plan to film with these families for a couple of days surrounding a particular event at home like a birthday party or family gathering. Our ambition is to see how families really interact with each other and how our children see us. This will be a warm, humourous and uplifting look at the world within our own homes.If you think your children would make for fascinating viewing, or if you've always wondered what they're up to when your back is turned, then we would love to hear from you. At this stage, any filming we do will not be broadcast.Please contact us on with a phone number so that we can call you back.
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