GLA Planning Officers Urge Approval of AELTC Scheme

Deputy Mayor due to decide on Wimbledon tennis plans

Opponents of AELTC Proposals Remain Confident Ahead of Key Meeting
CGI of the completed scheme. Picture: AELTC

September 20, 2024

There has been dismay at the publication of a report by Greater London Assembly planning officers recommending approval for the All England Lawn Tennis Club’s (AELTC) plans for expansion.

The application, which was approved by Merton Council but rejected by Wandsworth is due to be considered by Jules Pipe the Deputy Mayor for Planning at a hearing next Friday (27 September).

However, the chances of him accepting the plan have risen significantly as it is unusual for the conclusions of an officers’ report to be set aside.

This planning application was called-in by the Deputy Mayor in January, meaning that the Mayor of London will now be ultimately responsible for deciding upon the application for which will see tennis courts built on the former Wimbledon Park Golf Course.

A joint statement was issued, following the release of the report by Fleur Anderson MP for Putney, Leonie Anderson AM and Wandsworth Council Leader Simon Hogg which states, “We are extremely disappointed that the Planning Officers’ report recommends that the Deputy Mayor for Planning accept the All England Lawn Tennis (AELTC) proposals for Wimbledon Park, on protected Metropolitan Open Land.

“The AELTC plans as they currently stand are simply not fair for our constituents in Wandsworth. We will continue to work alongside local campaigners and residents to ensure that our case is made clearly. Wandsworth Council refused the application because the damage outweighs the benefits.

“These plans are not right for our community and are damaging for the environment, with industrial scale development and permanent loss of access to our park.

“There are alternative routes that AELTC can take to expand the Championship and protect the environment. We call on the Deputy Mayor to reject the recommendation to approve and look at the alternatives. ”

An aerial view facing south of the proposed facilities. Picture: AELTC
An aerial view facing south of the proposed facilities. Picture: AELTC

The proposal will almost triple the footprint of the Wimbledon Tennis championships and include 39 new courts one of which will be in a 8,000 seat arena.

Opponents of the scheme still plan to protest outside the hearing at City Hall as they believe the scheme would cause unacceptable damage to the area’s biodiversity and heritage.

AELTC say the scheme will “secure the future of the Championships” by enabling them to better compete with other global tennis tournaments. The plan proposes opening up part of the former golf course as parkland with ‘permissive’ access to the public and building a boardwalk around Wimbledon Park’s lake.

The hearing will be held in the Chamber at City Hall (Kamal Chunchie Way, London E16 1ZE) starting at 10am. It will also be livestreamed. Those wishing to attend are advised to notify the Greater London Authority by emailing

Any final decision by the Deputy Mayor could still be over-ridden by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Angela Rayner, should she decide to ‘call in’ the planning application.

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