Battle’s Over At Wimbledon and Roehampton Memorials

Commemorating 100 years since the end of World War I

On the evening of 11 November 2018 Wimbledon and Putney Commons is playing its part in Battle’s Over, an international commemoration marking 100 years since the guns fell silent at the end of World War I.

Please join us at the Wimbledon Windmill from 18:30hrs for this very special Commemoration Service. The activities on Wimbledon and Putney Commons commence at 18:00hrs with the public invited to join either of two separate walks converging at the Wimbledon Windmill for the start of the Commemoration Service from 18:30hrs.

The walking public are invited to gather by 18:00hrs at either:
- Roehampton War Memorial on Putney Heath, SW15 4JX; this walk will be led by the Rt Hon Justine Greening, MP for Putney.
- Wimbledon War Memorial, on Wimbledon Common, Wimbledon Village, SW19 5NA; this walk will be led by Mr Stephen Hammond, MP for Wimbledon.

The walks are open to all members of the public and it is hoped that as many people as possible will participate. (We recommend wearing appropriate footwear and bringing a torch and hand bell.)

Order of Service
18:30hrs Piper
18:45hrs Welcome and reading
18:55hrs Bugler will sound ‘The Last Post’
19:00hrs Recognition of those who gave their lives with the Windmill illuminated in
tribute signifying the light of peace that emerged from the darkness of four
years of war
19:05hrs ‘A Cry for Peace Around the World’ will be read followed by a ringing out for peace; churches around the land will peel their bells and we will ring
hand bells (bring a hand bell or download an app)
19:30hrs Event ends

A roll call of names of all those who gave their lives in Putney, Roehampton and
Wimbledon will be displayed on the Windmill with photographic images from World War I.

There is no charge for the event though a collection will be taken.

Battle’s Over is an event arranged by Pageantmaster Bruno Peek LVO OBE OPR, on 11th November 2018, with events throughout the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, and at scores of locations overseas, including New Zealand, Ireland, Australia, Bermuda, France, Belgium, Canada, the United States and Germany.

For those unable to walk, The Transport for London 93 bus stops at the junction of Windmill Road and Parkside for a 300m walk to the Windmill. For those wishing to drive, the Windmill Car Park will be open from 18:00hrs.

Simon Lee
Chief Executive of Wimbledon and Putney Commons