Mains Failure Releases Sewage into Beverley Brook

People using Commons advised to stay away from water

Beverley Brook during an early pollution incident. Picture: Friends of Richmond Park

August 16, 2024

Thames Water has confirmed that a burst mains pipe has resulted in a major sewage leak into Beverley Brook.

Pollutants are understood to be entering the river in the Kingston Hill area and people using open spaces downstream such as Wimbledon Common, Richmond Park, Barnes Common and Putney Lower Common are being advised to stay away from the water and ensure their dogs don’t enter.

The leak was initially publicised on social media by the Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators.

Thames Water is currently working to repair the pipe and using tankers to limit further discharge.

A Thames Water spokesperson said, "Our teams are working to repair a burst rising main in the area, and we are using tankers to ensure no further discharge.

"An assessment of what mitigation measures need to be carried out will take place shortly."

A Royal Parks spokesperson said, “Thames Water has attended the site to resolve the situation, and the Environment Agency has been made aware.

"Any contamination will flow through the brook in due course, however we are closely monitoring the situation.

“For health and safety reasons, we advise people and dogs to keep out of the water.”

Sewage leaks into Beverley Brook are not unprecedented and occur due to a combination of ageing infrastructure, heavy rainfall, and misconnected sewers. Local conservation groups monitor water quality and are pressing for infrastructure improvements.


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