Register for London Elections

Candidates to be announced on 1st April

It's less than 100 days to the next elections on Thursday 5th May. Londoners will elect a new Mayor for London and 25 London Assembly Members.

London has 5.5 million registered voters out of a population of 8.65 million. If you haven't registered to vote you can still register as long as it's before 18th April. Registering online is quick and easy.

The candidates for the London Assembly Members and the London Mayor will be announced on 1st April. Candidates can be nominated up until 31st March. The Assembly Members include 14 Constituency Members and 11 London-wide Assembly Members.


Candidates for Mayor of London (to date)

Zac Goldsmith- Conservative
Sadiq Khan - Labour
Caroline Pidgeon- Liberal Democrats
Sian Berry- Green

Current Assembly Members can be found at London Assembly site.

MayorWatch provides impartial commentary on the candidates.

ElectionLeaflets aims to gather all election leaflets for information (and so you can remember what was promised).


February 10, 2016