Top marks for Merton schools and colleges
Young people in Merton are celebrating their 'A' level successes.
Pupils at Ursuline High School achieved 100% A* to E grades, with 80% achieving A* to C grades. At Wimbledon College 99% achieved A* to E grades with 75% achieving A to C grades.
Three pupils from Ursuline, in Crescent Road, Wimbledon, and one from Wimbledon College in Edge Hill have secured places at Oxford and Cambridge.
Merton Adult Education also enjoyed success this year with 100% of its adult learners achieving A-C grades in German AS level, 85% scoring A-C in Spanish AS level and 44% achieving grades A-C in Italian AS level. This year Merton has seen an increase in the number of adult learners taking AS Level exams with 25 people sitting exams this year in comparison with five in August 2009.
Merton Council cabinet member for education Councillor Peter Walker said: "These are good results and my congratulations go to all students for their hard work this year. I would on behalf of the borough wish to extend congratulations to the pupils, schools and parents.
"Students in Merton will from September have extra opportunity to continue their education through the development of sixth forms involving all secondary schools in the borough.
"This is an exciting development for Merton and I urge young people to take advantage of this opportunity to continue with their post 16 education in our schools."
Councillor Richard Hilton, the Conservatives’ Education spokesman said: “Congratulations to all of our hard working students, teachers, governors and parents on these A-level results. It shows a strong record of achievement over the last four years and all who have contributed to this success should be very proud.
"The results are also a testimony to the success of the South Thames College which officially merged with Merton College in August 2009 becoming one of London's largest and most successful colleges."
August 23, 2010