Volunteer work in borough to get higher profile
Five Merton councillors will be lending a hand at MertonVision, a Colliers Wood-based service providing services, information and support to residents with a visual impairment.
MertonVision, situated in The Guardian Centre, Clarendon Road, also runs a lunch club and activities centre.
Councillors Debbie Shears (Leader of Merton’s Conservative Group and pictured left), David Simpson, Maurice Groves, Suzanne Evans and Gilli Lewis-Lavender, will visit the centre on July 1.
They will be introduced to clients by MertonVision Director, Fran Hibbert and Volunteer Coordinator, Carmel Sammons and will then lend a hand by volunteering with the lunch club.
Councillors are keen to raise the profile of the work that volunteers do in the borough. This visit supports Volunteer Centre Merton’s campaign "Go on... make a difference", which encourages local residents to become involved in their community by volunteering with the wide range of local organisations and groups.
For more on volunteering opportunities in Merton contact Volunteer Centre Merton on 020 8640 7355, email at info@volunteercentremerton.org.uk or go online at www.volunteercentremerton.org.uk.
June 22, 2010