Nearly 9,000 Take Part In Anti-Smoking Programme In Three Years

Third anniversary of smoke-free legislation approaches

As the third anniversary of England going smoke free in public places approaches on July 1, NHS Sutton and Merton have revealed nearly 9,000 people have taken part in their Stop Smoking support programme since 2007.

Recent research from the University of Bath has also shown that more than 1,200 fewer people were admitted to hospital in England with heart attacks in the first year following smoke free legislation.

Dr Martyn Wake, NHS Sutton and Merton’s Joint Medical Director said: "Three years ago, England took a major step towards improving the nation’s health by restricting smoking in public places.

"The health benefits of stopping smoking are huge and your body will begin to repair itself as soon as you give up smoking. It’s never too late to stop smoking but we know it can be very difficult to give up by yourself. The good news is that we are here to help. Research shows that you are four times more likely to give up smoking by using your local NHS free stop smoking service than through will power alone."

Sue Tree, NHS Sutton and Merton’s Stop Smoking Service Manager said: "Almost 8,700 people have taken part in the NHS Sutton and Merton Stop Smoking support programme since 2007. We found that many people had tried before to give up and thought they would never be able to stop, but getting a helping hand has made all the difference."

NHS Sutton and Merton’s Stop Smoking Service runs a confidential service offering a free six week support programme. Sutton and Merton residents can choose from group support sessions where they can share their experiences and tips with other people who are trying to stop smoking or one-to-one support sessions which offer more flexibility and privacy.

For more information about this service, please contact freephone 0800 652 8019, email

June 27, 2010