Making Colliers Wood Happy!
An African atmosphere will be re-created in Colliers Wood with music and mask-making workshops on Saturday (June 18).
The day will start at 11am when Sebastian Ahorlu from the Safrico Drum & Dance Company, will be leading an hour-long African Drum workshop.
From 12 noon to 1pm he will be leading an African Dance workshop. Each class will cost £5; both classes together will cost £9.
From 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. there will be an African mask-making workshop with Raksha Patel. This is funded by Merton Arts and is free, and will be for people of all ages and abilities.
The venue for all of these events will be St. Joseph's Hall in Park Road.
"Making Colliers Wood Happy!" will also be running a fun and fund-raising QUIZ NIGHT at Venus Bar next to the tube station. It starts at 7.30pm and is £2 to enter, with a prize of £40 for the winning team.
June 13, 2011