Local residents invited to free Wimbledon event
Age UK Merton are hosting a free afternoon tea in conjunction with Kingsmere Care Home on Wednesday October 18.
They are inviting local residents to join them from 3pm – 5pm at the care home in Victoria Drive, Wimbledon, SW19 6AB.
Age UK Merton are local, independent and dedicated to providing support for people aged 50+ across the borough. Although affiliated to Age UK, they have to raise all their own funds to run their extensive programme of services for the local community.
Kingsmere Care Home have offered to host an afternoon tea for Age UK Merton to help spread the word about the work they do. Whether you are interested in their services for yourself, a friend or relative or just want to find out about a charity making a difference in your area, you'd be made welcome.
Alongside the afternoon tea, Julie Chandler will give a talk ‘Merton Moments – A brief history of the borough’, Claire Nethersole will talk about Age UK Merton and Cara Hughes, Associate Solicitor for Morrisons Solicitors and trustee for Age UK Merton, will talk about writing wills and lasting powers of attorney.
Tickets are free but space is limited so booking is essential. Please call 020 8684 5792 or email info@ageukmerton.org.uk to book a space.
October 12, 2017