Row Over Dundonald Rec Posters

Tennis club angry at removal of posters

Dundonald Rec's Tennis Club is angry that banner promoting its free after-school tennis lessons have been removed.

It launched an Olympic Legacy programme in June, which saw tennis star Roger Federer (right) visit during the Wimbledon tennis championships.

The programme offers free lessons to school children and has been supported by donations of equipment from the All England Tennis Club.

Dr Ernesto Pinto (pictured with Roger Federer) said: "I was disappointed to learn that the banners promoting our sporting mission were removed during the Wimbledon fortnight.

"I immediately phoned the leader of the council who confirmed that he would "take care of the problem".

"The result was an email from Doug Napier, Merton green spaces manager, confirming that the banners had been confiscated and would be retained "until such time as you agree not to re-erect them within the park."

A council spokeswoman said: "As with every other organisation wanting to use council-owned community sports facilities for a planned programme of activity, we have asked the tennis club to meet us to discuss times when they can use the courts.

"Unfortunately, they have chosen not to meet us, even though we have invited them to do so. Instead, the club has taken over the tennis courts at the expense of others in the community including children at Dundonald School."

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July 28, 2013