Why not contribute to your community?
Every year, more than 20 million people across the UK volunteer, donating more than 100 million hours to their communities every week…and our borough is part of this!
As part of National Volunteers' Week, three local initiatives are being launched in the first week of June.
They are: Alzheimer's Connecting Communities, Merton Community Transport's Volunteer Car Scheme and Merton and Lambeth Citizen's Advice Bureaux Information Hub and Contact Centre in the Mitcham Bureau.
You can find out more about them all at the following events:
Alzheimer's Merton - Monday June 3.
The launch of a new and exciting volunteering project - Connecting Communities.
Merton Community Transport - Wednesday June 5. A new Voluntary Car Scheme and the launch of their new Transport Hub.
Age UK Merton - Thursday June 6. Looking ahead to what's in store for the future of Age UK and celebrating the efforts of their volunteers.
Merton and Lambeth Citizens Advice Bureaux - Friday June 7.
A double celebration: Fantastic new services and fantastic volunteers.
Merton will also continue to celebrate throughout the whole of June with the SHOUT ABOUT YOUR VOLUNTEERING campaign.
It follows 20 local residents and showcases their commitment to the community by telling their story. Twenty volunteering opportunities will be promoted to give more people a chance to contribute to their community.
There are also now 38 advertising sites across Merton featuring 15 volunteers who are asking local residents: "I volunteer – why wouldn't you?".
The new Mayor of Merton, Councillor Krystal Miller (pictured above with one of the posters), said: "I'm delighted to have the privilege of being Mayor which allows me to get out there and see more of the amazing work that volunteers do.
"There are so many ways we can give time to our community and with everyone doing their bit, great things can happen. They all contribute to making Merton a great place to live, work and socialise."
A number of councillors, including the Conservative Opposition Leader Oonagh Moulton and Krystal Miller, as well as Stephen Hammond, Wimbledon MP, will be taking part in Volunteers' Week.
Councillor Moulton will be helping out at the South Mitcham Community Centre on Monday morning (June 3) Tamil ladies' social group exercise class. Then on Wednesday (June 5), Councillor Miller will be volunteering at Merton Vision's Picnic in the park. On Friday (June 7) Stephen Hammond MP will also assist at Merton Faith In Action's Wimbledon drop-in centre, which provides support, food, amenities and advice for homeless people in Merton.
If you have any questions, or want to raise the profile of volunteering, contact Hayley James at hayley@mvsc.co.uk or on 020 8685 2272.
May 31, 2013