Visit An Edible Garden On Big Dig Day

Local community garden will open its doors

More than 40 edible gardens across the capital are inviting people new to ‘growing their own’ to get involved in the fifth annual Big Dig Day on Saturday (April 16).

The day will give novice growers a chance to learn about bee-friendly food growing, and help the gardens out with spring tasks, such as planting potatoes, preparing raised beds and sowing seeds and flowers that encourage wildlife.

The gardens taking part include Phipps Bridge Community Garden, which is open from 11am - 2pm on Saturday. Access via the alleyway beside 58 New Close, SW19 2SY.

The Big Dig Day is run by Capital Growth, a network of more than 2,000 food growing gardens which together cover an area of land equivalent to over 100 Wembley pitches. Member gardens are found on roofs, in parks and tucked away in hidden corners where they grow food and provide much needed greenery for the city.

The network also has flagship sites in The Regent’s Park and in hubs across London, including the Castle Climbing Centre in Hackney and Oasis Farm in Waterloo. Over the past four years, the Big Dig has seen 8,000 volunteers across the UK lend a hand to community food growing.

The Big Dig marks the start of a new three year Capital Growth initiative called London Grows, which will help over 2,000 people get involved in community growing projects, wildlife-friendly food growing and improving London’s green environment.

To find all the gardens involved, visit the interactive map at

April 14, 2016