Local Boys' Brigade are recruiting
Boys keen to have fun, learn new skills, make their own decisions and meet new friends are now being invited to join a local Boys' Brigade group.
The 5th Kingston and Merton Boys' Brigade is particularly looking for boys aged 11-18 to join its Company Section.
It has met every Friday night during term-time for the past 75 years. Meetings take place at the United Reformed Church in Malden Road, New Malden, from 8pm-9.30pm.
Those in the Company Section have the opportunity to take part in the Discover program, that enables boys to:
There is also an Anchors and Juniors Section, for boys aged 5-11. It meets on Fridays from 6.30pm-7.30pm.
Following the summer break, including their annual camping holiday, they are re-starting on Friday September 9.
Edward Bailey, who runs the group, said: "We have just came back from our annual week camping holiday which is a guaranteed highlight of anyone’s year as we are not the usual boring youth group.
"We have strong committed young leaders and by in engaging in exciting activities, learning new skills and having fun, children can discover and develop their potential whilst making new friends in a safe environment."
For more information visit their website, phone 07765-593926 or email: boysbrigade@hotmail.co.uk.
September 1, 2011