Fund-Raising Hair Cuts For Wimbledon Trio

Mums will donate their hair as well as raise charity cash

Three Wimbledon mothers are having their long locks cut to donate them to a deserving cause as well as raise funds for local charities.

Christina Akbal, aged 36, from Colliers Wood, had 28cm-long plaits cut from her hair on Wednesday (March 8).

Her friends Alexandra Toma, 26, from Raynes Park and Wimbledon woman Nina Read, 31, will follow with their hair cuts on May 8.

Their cut hair will be donated to the Little Princess Trust, which provides real hair wigs for children suffering with hair loss.

They are also asking for donations to raise funding and awareness for Wimbledon Foodbank and the Merton Faith in Action homelessness project.

The three women, who all attend the Everyday Church in Queens Road, Wimbledon, have set themselves a fund-raising target of £350.

They are pictured together (above right), while Christina's 'after' picture is below it.

You can see Christina's hair cut as it happened on the images below.

To boost their charity fund-raising figure, go to their donation page.

March 10, 2017