Delay Warning For Routes Through Clapham

Long-term roadworks will eventually improve traffic

Motorists driving through Clapham Junction will be affected by a major project to improve the area's road network and enhance the look and feel of the town centre which gets underway today.

The scheme aims to cut traffic jams, reduce accidents by up to a third and improve the environment for pedestrians and cyclists.

Work is expected to last until spring next year and drivers are being advised to expect some delays when travelling through the town. The council says that every effort will be made to keep disruption to a minimum and no work will take place over the Christmas and New Year break.

The first phase of work involves changes to the Lavender Hill/Falcon Lane junction, which will enable traffic to bypass the main crossroads at the bottom of St. John's Hill. The town centre will also be smartened up with high quality new paving, lampposts and other street fixtures.

Later phases of work will include further road layout changes, new cycle lanes, widening pavements, new pedestrian crossings and new trees.

Wandsworth Council's transport and planning spokesman Cllr Ravi Govindia says: "This project will make the town centre a much more attractive and pedestrian friendly place. People driving through will also benefit from improved traffic flow and less queuing."

The council's scheme was approved last year and is backed by Transport for London and the Clapham Junction Town Centre Partnership.

For more information on Clapham Junction go to

October 4, 2010