Free course is on offer to learn more
Would you like to learn how to grow your own organic fruit and vegetables?
If so, you can enrol for this Colliers Wood-based course run by Jenny Mortimer, an experienced and qualified horticulturalist from Merton Adult Education.
It's free, because the community gardening project run by Making Colliers Wood Happy has been funded by the Merton Partnership, and Merton Adult Education have been commissioned to run it.
The course title is: Growing Organic Fruit and Vegetables Course code - CR0174N.
It is based at The Christ Church Hall Mondays from June 3 to June 2, from 4pm-6pm, in four weekly sessions.
The maximum number of students is 24, and students must enrol before the course starts.
To do so, you can either call Merton Adult Education on 0208 274 5250 or call Keith Spears on 07982 721 496.
The course will combine theory and practice and each week they will spend around half the time working in the community garden putting theory into practice.
May 2, 2013