Controversial Broadway Development Is Turned Down

Six storey tower had been planned

An application to build a six storey high building on the Broadway has been turned down after a number of objections, including those of the Wimbledon Society.

The site at 141 The Broadway most recently housed the Made in Italy restaurant and was the former site of the Prophecy Members’ club (it is pictured below).

The proposal was to retain the current ground floor but demolish the first and second floors to rebuild another five storeys on top. These would contain sixteen one and two bedroom flats of which 6 would be sold on a shared ownership basis. The ground floor would continue to operate as a bar or a restaurant.

building in Wimbledon to be demolished

The application was brought before the Planning Applications Committee on May 21 in light of the number of objections against the proposal. There were ten objections in all including those made on the basis of the incongruity of the design and the loss of a local landmark. The Wimbledon Society was one of the objectors.

The officer's report had recommended approval, but the plans were turned down by councillors.

June 8, 2015