stem4 celebrates World Mental Health Day ‘Clear Fear’ with two new apps
Wimbledon based stem4 teenage mental health charity is known for its success in the digital delivery of mental health information to young people, their families and schools. Focussing on fostering early awareness and providing tools to help. Having had very good feedback on their first app ‘Calm Harm’ to help manage the urge to self-harm, their second app for anxiety, ‘Clear Fear’ is about to be released. They are now seeking to fund-raise for their third app – this time for a different audience – parents, carers and friends.
Mental ill health affects 1 in 10 children and young people aged between 5-15 with this figure increasing to 1 in 4 as they reach adulthood. The parents of young people who have mental health problems can feel isolated. Whilst family and parent problems may contribute to some of the issues young people experience, parents may also be a big part of the solution for successful outcomes for their children. In addition, parents play a vital role in early identification as well as supporting their children through crisis and recovery. It is therefore essential that parents establish ways to talk about mental health, know how to spot early signs, know what early steps to take and how to access resources as well as deal with mental health emergencies.
The app will support parent and carers of children and young people and also friends who are often the first to recognise the fact there is a problem and are asked to help.
The app will help those young people who experience a range of mental ill health conditions including: * Anxiety * Depression * Eating Disorders * Addiction * Other mental ill health conditions including psychosis, personality disorder |
This app will also help to establish closer communication, provide accurate information, signpost to external support, as well as provide techniques and activities to help manage certain situations.
The stem4 World Mental Health Day (Wednesday 10th October) celebration will be held at the Lighthouse Restaurant in Wimbledon, well known for its delicious food. It will commence at 7.30 p.m. and finish at 11.45 p.m. Bookings currently available for a minimum donation of £65 for a three course meal, a glass of bubbles on arrival and a glass of wine. Tables of ten have a reduced rate of £600. To book please contact or
September 10, 2018