Have Your Say On The Look Of New Colliers Wood Library

Consultation runs until the end of August

Local residents are being given the chance to say what colours, furniture and flooring they would like to see in the new Colliers Wood Library.

There is a range of interior design proposals including 3D images and presentations displaying flooring, bookcases, furniture and colour scheme options to pick from.

An Interior Design Consultation meeting for the new library will take place at Merton Vision, 67 Clarendon Road, from Wednesday July 27 from 7pm-8pm.

If you can't attend, there's an exhibition on display at the temporary Colliers Wood Library at 65 Clarendon Road until the end of August.

The consultation will be available for people to complete until the end of August both on the council’s website www.merton.gov.uk/consultations and on a paper form at the temporary Colliers Wood Library right next to the exhibition.

To find out more, visit www.merton.gov.uk/colliers-wood-library-development, email library.enquiries@merton.gov.uk or call 020 8274 5799.

What do you think? Why not comment on our forum?

July 13, 2016

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Artist's impression of new Colliers Wood Library

Artist's impression of the new Colliers Wood library