An Online Insight Into Council Meetings?

Vote ahead on pilot 'webcasting' scheme

Merton council meetings could be seen on the web - at a cost of up to £30,000 a year.

The borough council is considering a pilot scheme where it would 'webcast' its planning, licensing and street management meetings, as well as full council meetings.

It would allow residents to view meetings via the council's website, live or later as a podcast.

Camden has been webcasting for over 10 years, and reports high viewing figures. However, Croydon and Enfield abandoned their webcasting trials after disappointing viewing figures.

Based on an estimated cost of £20,000 - £30,000 per annum, webcasting in Merton would cost between £6.26 and £9.39 per view (assuming an average 94 viewers per meeting based on nearby Croydon's experience). The cost would be charged to the council and webcasts would be free to view.

Councillors will vote on introducing a pilot scheme at the next full council meeting on Wednesday (November 21).

November 16, 2012