Cubs 'arrest' their leader as part of the fun
Merton Volunteer Police Cadets welcomed a team of cubs to Wimbledon Police Station, on a visit for their Community Badge.
The 11th Mitcham Cubs arrived at the police station where they were paraded by the Cadets and given mini pocket books and pens to make notes.
They learnt about the work and different roles of a police officer and looked at some of the kit and uniform. The Cubs then took part in an arrest demonstration, where two keen volunteers "arrested" and cautioned their adult leader, Bagheera Andrew James after finding him in possession of a stolen purse.
He was taken to the (closed) Custody facility at the police station, and booked in by Deputy Head Cadet Jack Lawlor, demonstrating the Custody Officer role. The stolen purse was retrieved and packed up securely as evidence.
The cubs then put their leader in a cell, and were shown the other parts of the custody process, including fingerprints, photograph, food provision and interview room. The trip ended with a short quiz, where the cubs showed a detailed level of knowledge (and their Leader was "released" from his cell!).
The Cadets dismissed the cub team and presented them with "Here For London" posters, badges and other items.
Deputy Head Cadet Jack Lawlor (who completed his Day 1 Special Constabulary Assessment earlier that day) said: "The Cubs did really well and were full of questions. It's been great having them at our station tonight."
Merton Youth Engagement and VPC leader PC Tim Mann said: "I'd like to thank our Cadets for coming in tonight to run such a great session, which the Cubs have really enjoyed. We first met the 11th Mitcham Unit at this year's Remembrance Parade, and it's been great to see them again tonight!"
November 29, 2013