Deen City Farm Thanks Volunteers

Farewell event for Project Manager

Deen City Farm recently held a barbecue for volunteers to thank them for their hard work in helping run the popular attraction.

The event was also a farewell for Farm Project Manager Ben Cheetham (pictured second from the right with volunteers), who is leaving the site in Windsor Avenue, Merton Abbey.

Ben has worked at the farm for nine years and said he was sad to go, but it was time for someone else to take on the challenge.

As part of £24 million worth of budget cuts made by Merton Borough Council, the farm, a registered charity, is facing a £15,000 grant cut for 2011-12.

More than 2,000 people signed an online petition registering their concern about the council cuts.

Deen City Farm is open six days a week and is so popular that virtually all volunteering and work placement opportunities are full, as are its weekend riding school lessons.

But it's free entry into the farm, which also has a shop, gardens and livestock including sheep, goats, cows, alpacas, pigs and various poultry.

Deen City Farm  Volunteers   Deen City Farm Thanks Volunteers Deen City Farm Thanks Volunteers   Deen City Farm Thanks Volunteers

Volunteer gardener Mignon Moylneux (above)

September 5, 2011