Nature Garden Scheme For Dundonald Rec

Keen to help? Open air meeting being held to discuss the scheme

Plans to set up a nature garden in the corner of Dundonald Rec are being discussed at an open air meeting on Thursday July 20.

The scheme to create the nature garden in the Rec, at the junction of Fairlawn Road and Avebury Road, is a joint venture between the Friends of Dundonald Park, Sustainable Merton and Dundonald Primary School.

Helena Vokos, Dundonald School’s Eco Lead teacher is keen to involve the children to create this nature garden.

The aim of the short meeting, which starts at 4pm, is to hear from Tom Walsh of Sustainable Merton on how best to involve the school and local community, Helena Vokos and the children of Dundonald.

Sustainable Merton is a community-led initiative giving local residents, groups, organisations and businesses the opportunity to stimulate practical action to make our area a sustainable community.

They are engaged in projects covering renewable energy and energy saving, local food growing, water conservation and raising awareness of the issues associated with climate change.

Organisers hope parents and local residents will come along to hear how they and their children might support this initiative. 

  • When: 4pm, Thursday July 20. Where: Corner of Dundonald Rec at the junction of Fairlawn Road and Avebury Road.

July 10, 2017