Consultation over plans for primary school
Plans to expand a Wimbledon primary school by extending it into a neighbouring park are to be discussed at a consultation meeting.
It takes place at Dundonald Primary School in Dundonald Road on Wednesday June 8, when people are invited to discuss the issues surrounding the expansion plans.
Merton council proposes to expand the school to a two-form entry school from September 2012 so it can admit up to 60 pupils a year in two classes.
The proposed expansion follows a significant increase in demand for school places in Merton, with more children entering school age, fuelled by a birth rate that has risen by over 30% in the last six years.
The council is putting three expansion proposals up for consultation, all of which wrap-around the school's two-storey annex which is next to Dundonald Park.
All options maintain the public children's playground and involve the demolition of the current park pavilion, replacing it with a new building which would also facilitate the expanded school. One of the options involves the loss of some mature trees.
The council is also seeking views on the main principle of expanding the school. For more details see: Dundonald Public Consultation Leaflet.
A petition objecting to the proposals now has more than 200 signatures on the council's website. And a petition on a campaign group's website has more than 1,200 signatures.
June 3 , 2011