Local School Wins Top Green Award

Dundonald School wins Green Flag status

Wimbledon's Dundonald School is among the top Eco-Schools performers in Merton after receiving the green flag award for the fourth time.

Judges from Keep Britain Tidy, the environmental charity which oversees the Eco-Schools scheme, marked the participating schools on their ability to save energy, use renewable energy sources, clear litter, cut waste and save water. The awards are internationally accredited and schools can scoop a bronze, silver or the top award of a green flag.

Forty-four schools within Merton are registered with the Eco-Schools scheme. The following four schools have received the top green flag accreditation: Dundonald Primary, Poplar Primary, Aragon Primary and The Priory CofE.

Merton Council Cabinet Member for the Environment, Councillor Andrew Judge said: "Dundonald Primary can be really proud of this achievement. Environmental sustainability is clearly a national priority, but we can also make a significant impact at local level.

"Taking part in the Eco-Schools programme is one way we can improve our environment and make Merton a cleaner place for residents. I want to see every school in Merton work towards Eco-School status.”

Head teacher Fiona Duffy said: "We're really thrilled to have been awarded the green flag for a fourth time, but it is really down to the enthusiasm and work of the children and teachers that keep it on the agenda and in the curriculum.

"Improving children's understanding of the human impact upon the environment is essential in creating aware and responsible adults of the future. The Eco-Schools initiative is a good vehicle to support this."

August 13, 2012