Fund-raising day at Gooseberry Bush
The Gooseberry Bush centre - a Wimbledon-based child-friendly cafe and therapy centre - is staging a fund-raising day in aid of the First Touch charity.
The event is part of the Gooseberry Bush's sponsorship of First Touch, which assists the NeoNatal unit at St George's Hospital in Tooting.
The charity provides extra equipment for the intensive, high dependency and special care nurseries, both for the babies and their families.
Angela Yates (right) owner of Gooseberry Bush, is an NCT Antenatal Teacher and Postnatal Tutor who set up the first NCT Antenatal courses specifically for Twin parents in 2010.
So Gooseberry Bush has set itself a target of £2,500 in order to buy a twin incubator.
And on Saturday July 14, the centre in Kingston Road is offering complimentary drinks, cakes and cookies, taster sessions with its therapists and running a raffle/silent auction.
Prizes include:
June 15, 2012