Wimbledon morris dancers mark their 90th anniversary this year
Greensleeves Morris Men, Wimbledon’s own Morris dancing club, have been inviting first time and returning dancers to join in the fun of Morris dancing at a series of Friday open evenings.
Celebrating their 90th anniversary this year, Greensleeves are holding the final open evening practice session on Friday 14 October from 8pm to 10pm at South Wimbledon Community Centre, 78 Victory Road, SW19 IHN.
“Morris dancing is fun - it’s good exercise, it’s traditional and has wonderful tunes and dances,” said Dave Legg, Squire (leader) of Greensleeves Morris Men.
“Our open evenings are the ideal way to enjoy the fun of Morris dancing – no experience is needed, just come along and join in!”
Greensleeves’ open evening sessions will run at the start of club’s autumn practice season and follow a lively summer programme performing around Wimbledon and Merton, and further afield.
Recent performances include the opening night (23 September) a beer festival at the Sultan Public House in Norman Road, South Wimbledon.
“It’s been one of our busiest nights here, we have done more tonight than usually in half a week,” commented Helen Tribbel, Manager of the Sultan Public House at the end of the beer festival opening night.
“It’s been amazing, there’s lots of atmosphere; lots of people are here to see Greensleeves.
“It’s the tradition of Morris dancing - people come and watch.”
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October 13, 2016