Bus Lane Returns To Hartfield Road

Council says it will improve bus traffic

A controversial bus lane is to return to one-way Hartfield Road in Wimbledon.

The bus lane was removed in 2009, but now a shortened version is to return. The council says is will make it easier for buses approaching the town centre.

The decision was made at a recent council Scrutiny Committee meeting. Councillors agreed it will be shorter than the previous lane, giving drivers more room to turn left into Beulah Road without getting a penalty.

When the original bus lane was scrapped in 2009, it was said to have caught 17,000 drivers in three years, costing them more than £800,000 in fines.

Councillor Andrew Judge (left), Merton Council cabinet member for environmental sustainability and regeneration said: "The bus lane has been introduced to make it easier for 60 buses per hour during peak periods to approach Wimbledon town centre.

"It is not the old bus lane, but a shorter one with more room for vehicles to turn left without being concerned they will incur a penalty.

"The consultation around the Hartfield Road bus lane has been no different to other similar reviews. We have followed the usual methods for consultation, including erection of Notices on lamp columns within the vicinity of the proposal and making available a copy of the proposed Order and a plan identifying the area affected by the proposed Order.

"The decision was also called in to a public scrutiny meeting and subjected to a thorough review just last week. The cross party Scrutiny Committee agreed that the decision to reintroduce the bus lane was correct."

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October 11, 2011