Have You Done Your Census Yet?

Merton residents urged to fill out their form

Merton Council is calling on all householders who have so far not returned their 2011 Census form to get it done online or put in the post to avoid extra visits from Census staff and the potential of a hefty fine.

Merton is reporting a good response so far to this year's Census but there are still a significant number of residents who haven't completed their form.

Across the country almost 75% of households have completed and returned their forms, but the picture varies across the regions, with London being the area with the lowest return rate so far.

To remind residents and offer them help, Merton has almost 100 Census collectors out and about in the borough who are visiting households who have still not completed and returned their census questionnaires. The Census bus also recently visited Wimbledon (right) to raise awareness.

All 2011 Census field staff wear photo identification badges and carry other visibly branded items. Collectors will never ask anyone for money, bank account details or to enter the property.

If householders are at all unsure about the identity of anyone claiming to be from the census, they should ask to see their proof of identity before answering any questions and if they still have concerns should contact the census helpline on 0300 0201 101.

Keith Richmond, 2011 Census Area Manager for Sutton/Merton, said: "Thanks to everyone that has completed their form so far – you have done your bit to help Merton take shape in the future.

"However there are still people who haven't done it yet so we are calling on Merton residents just to take a moment and double check that they have completed their form. If you've not, one of our team may visit you shortly and will be happy to help with any queries you have or replace any lost forms.

"Remember you can also do it online at www.census.gov.uk by using the individual identification number on the front of your paper form."

April 16, 2011