Homes Plan For Former Hospital

Scheme will include "affordable" housing

Approval has been given for a development of 79 homes on the site of the former Atkinson Morley Hospital in Copse Hill.

The locally-listed 19th century part of the building will be retained as part of the scheme, in which 25 houses and 54 flats will be built.

It will also include a gym, new sports pavilion, re-surfacing and draining of the sports pitches and refurbishment and extension of the existing scout hut.

The plans by developers Berkeley Homes include 28 "affordable" residential units as part of the scheme.

Campaigners had argued that funds be given to the 19th Wimbledon Scout Group, and the council's planning committee has agreed £60,000 should be allocated towards the scout hut project.

Speaking after the meeting, Conservative councillor for Raynes Park ward, Councillor Rod Scott said: "Many residents have contacted their ward councillors expressing support for the aspirations of the 19th Wimbledon Scout Group.

"It is clearly a very significant task for the scouts to find the necessary money to fund the improvements needed to their scout hut. I am therefore pleased that, by arguing the scouts’ case at the meeting, we were able to convince Planning Committee members to allocate them a further £60,000 for their scout hut project."

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August 1, 2011