UN International Peace Day event
Wimbledon Disarmament Coalition/CND will mark the UN International Day of Peace on Saturday (September 21) with a 'knit in' outside Wimbledon Library, from 2.30pm onwards.
Members of the public will be invited to contribute to a 7-mile long pink 'Peace Scarf' to stretch between Atomic Weapons Establishment sites at Aldermaston and Burghfield, Berkshire where UK nuclear weapons are made.
"Seven miles is a lot of knitting but thousands of people all over the country have been inspired by this project and because this is such a peaceful form of protest we thought we would 'go public' on this special day", said WDC/CND Secretary Joanna Bazley.
"The serious
message is that we think it is wrong for the government to be planning to spend over £80 billion on more weapons of mass destruction."
Further details of the project are on www.woolagainstweapons.co.uk with many pictures . Examples of Wimbledon knitting will be on
display on September 21st, including some very creative work.
September 17, 2013