Wimbledon Marie Curie breaks records!
The Wimbledon Marie Curie Fundraising Group were celebrating this Christmas after their collection at Wimbledon Station on December 7 raised a record-breaking £1,836.05.
Donors were entertained by carol singers from local primary schools including Dundonald, Merton Park, Bishop Gilpin and St. Michael's Cof E.
Organiser Mary Varty said: "We are thrilled to have raised such a huge sum - the most money ever raised by Marie Curie at a station collection outside of Central London. We'd like to thank our dedicated volunteers, carol singers and the public for their generosity. Thanks to them, Marie Curie nurses will be able to provide over 90 hours of care for people at the end of their lives"
The group's Chair Darren Bruce commented: "This was a fantastic end to a busy year for us and we have lots more events planned for 2013.
"We're currently working towards a fundraising performance of Brahms Requiem at St Matthew's Church on 2nd March (tickets available from www.justgiving.com/douglasleebrahmsrequiem), and are also busy organising Great Daffodil Appeal collections later that month."
New volunteers are always welcome. Please contact wimbledon.mariecurie@gmail.com or Rebecca Fairclough on 0208 543 6927 to find out more.
January 15, 2013