Mayor Raises £45,000 For Charity During Year In Office

Thank you party for voluntary organisations

Outgoing Mayor of Merton Krystal Miller threw a big thank you celebration for the many voluntary organisations she and Deputy Mayor Councillor John Sargeant have visited and worked with during her year in office.

Held at Wimbledon's Polka Theatre, the party featured acts from Merton Music Foundation, Lantern Arts Centre and, as a finale, Wimbledon Rock Choir, giving the Mayor an opportunity to thank the many people who give their time and energy to supporting their local community. 

Waitrose also presented the mayor with cheques for her charities to the value of £526 having previoulsy supported the Mayor's Christmas concert by supplying mince pies and mulled wine.

At the event, the Mayor presented her two charities with £22,500 each. The Mayor raised £45,000 during her mayoralty through fundraising activities for her chosen charities, Home Start Merton and the Polka Theatre. Events included a quiz night, a rock choir concert and a Christmas celebration as well as the annual Mayor’s Ball.

Between they Mayor and Deputy Mayor Councillor John Sargeant, they have attended more than 500 engagements over the year including many community-led events as well as the commemoration of Remembrance Day, Armed Forces Day, a Nelson Mandela Memorial Service and the London Mayor’s Association Annual Civic Service event at the Westminster Abbey.

Mayor of Merton Krystal Miller said: "I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as Mayor of Merton. Every single week I met people who inspired me in our community, people who dedicate their time to educate, care and bring people together and make Merton such a special place to live. I’d also like to thank everyone who has helped me to raise much needed funds for two local charities that do so much for  children and their families."

June 6, 2014