Dundonald Primary School Decision Due In January

Boris is leaving decision to Merton councillors

Boris Johnson will leave the decision on the controversial expansion of Dundonald Primary School in Wimbledon to Merton council.

The London Mayor had been asked if the decision on the planning application for an expansion of the school should by taken away from local councillors.

The council plans to increase the size of Dundonald Primary from a one-form entry to a two-form entry school, by replacing Dundonald Recreation Ground's pavilion with a two-storey building.

The Mayor of London's office was asked to make a judgement on the scheme because the plans involve building on open space, which is contrary to planning regulations. (Dundonald Rec is pictured below).

But the Mayor has decided to leave the decision to Merton council.

The plans will now come before the council's planning committee on January 17.

The 'Protect Dundonald Rec' campaign group has said it will launch a judicial review if the plans are approved and is considering a charge of maladministration against the council.

Councillor Peter Walker, former cabinet member for education, said: "This is a victory for local children who are desperately in need of an increase in school places at this outstanding local primary. The Mayor has the power to call in and refuse plans that conflict with his planning policies.

"I believe that there is now a good chance the expansion of Dundonald will commence next summer. It will then mean that the school will be able to accommodate some of the 39% growth in 5-year-old children that we have witnessed recently in Wimbledon.”

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December 28, 2012