Should Twenty Be Plenty?

Extension of speed limit scheme is rejected

Calls to roll out more 20mph speed limit schemes in Merton have been rejected by borough councillors.

Between 2008 and 2010, "20's Plenty" schemes - where traffic is limited to 20mph - were rolled out across several areas of Merton including Wimbledon Hillside, West Barnes, St Helier, Wimbledon Park, Raynes Park, Trinity and Dundonald in response to residents' demand.

But motions to extend "20's Plenty" schemes - either as a default limit or for any area where a majority of residents expressed a clear demand for it - were rejected at last week's meeting.

Instead, the council will investigate what it can do to reduce the number of road accident victims in the borough.

Councillor leader Stephen Alambritis said: "We will look at 20mph schemes on the basis of evidence. The evidence needs to be there, and we will take account of what is needed".

But Councillor Richard Hilton, Conservative Transport Spokesman, said: "This is too little too slow. How many more accidents have to happen while Labour prevaricates and undertakes lengthy reviews?  Road safety in our borough must be paramount - this is our children’s lives we are talking about. Residents will rightly see this as a missed opportunity."

And Lib-Dem Councillor Mary-Jane Jeanes said: "We proposed a borough-wide default 20mph scheme - where the Council and residents will decide whether particular roads are suitable for higher speed limits - as much simpler system that would have made our streets safer for all.

"We'll keep campaigning for it, until councillors are forced to accept it's what residents want."

November 30, 2012

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Letter to the Editor: "20s Plenty"