Council In Talks With Adult Education Providers

Merton Adult Education service will change in 2016

Merton council will soon be asking education providers to tender for the adult education service it currently provides.

Bidders will be invited to make their tender for a service to start in September 2016, as part of council plans to save £32m in the next four years.

It says in a statement that it has already spoken to a number of adult education providers to deliver what would potentially be required.

Merton's Adult Education service is currently based at the Whatley Avenue centre, and its learning venues in SW19 are in the Marlborough Hall in Compton Road, Wimbledon, Merton Vision in Clarendon Road, Colliers Wood and the High Path Centre in South Wimbledon.

The council says it is "committed to ensuring adult education remains in the borough and that a new service should provide at least the same breadth and variety of courses as is currently offered.

"Existing subject areas such as employment skills will be a key element included in the council's requirements of a learning provider. ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), health and wellbeing, creative arts, languages and IT and computing will also be specified as requirements to potential bidders."

Cabinet member for education Councillor Martin Whelton said he's asked for these commissioning plans to go to Cabinet in September to make certain that they are in line with the agreed commissioning principles.

"We are committed to ensuring that our residents have a first class adult education service that is delivered within the borough. We're looking forward to working with our learners to ensure we develop a service that meets the requirements of as many people as possible," he said.

"We are also keen to involve scrutiny in our development of the service to ensure we consider all aspects ahead of the autumn cabinet meeting. Providing continuity, support to learners and skills which will help people gain employment are all part of what we'll be looking for in a provider. And as a business-like council, we will make sure the adult learning service is both affordable for the learners and provides good value for money to all Merton's taxpayers."

Anyone interested in taking part in the process of developing the service can contact Merton Council at

June 25, 2015