Council issues a new anti-litter code
A crackdown on litter louts in Merton will see more people being fined £75 for dropping litter.
Merton Council's new anti-litter code sets out what residents can expect from the council and how residents can help to stop people littering the borough.
The 19-point code lists the actions the council takes to clear up the litter from the borough’s roads and pavements, including investing in street cleaning equipment and enforcing the £75 fine for dropping litter.
The code also includes a number of ways in which residents and visitors to the borough can help the council tackle litter and keep Merton clean.
During the next few months the council will be rolling out a new smart phone “app” which will make it easier for people to report litter hotspots.
It is also investing in new street cleaning equipment including mechanical sweepers as well as more "smart bins" that use solar power to compact rubbish, which have already proved a success in the borough's parks. On top of this, the roll out of more than 200 new butt and gum bins across the borough is almost complete.
Merton Council cabinet member for environmental cleanliness Councillor Judy Saunders said: "We support residents who want an end to people dropping litter in our borough. We are grateful to those groups and residents who highlight litter hot spots and fly tips to us.
"Residents are the eyes and ears of Merton, and if there is a problem, we want to hear about it so we can to do our best to resolve it. We are proud that our staff and services received the Best Achieving Council award and we want to build on this success to make Merton even better. Please help us and get behind the code."
Number crunching:
You can see Merton's anti-litter code at
January 10, 2014