New Arts Venue Opens In Wimbledon

Merton Arts Space is in the back of Wimbledon Library

The borough’s newest arts venue, Merton Arts Space, has been officially opened in Wimbledon.

Merton Arts Space was created by transforming the reference section of Wimbledon Library into a space for exhibitions, theatrical performances, concerts and arts workshops.

The Attic Theatre Company is currently staging an adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic novel Great Expectations at the venue in Compton Road, Wimbledon. It runs until Thursday (December 8).

Merton Arts Space has capacity for audiences of up to 250 people seated or 300 standing. There are professional lighting rigs and sound equipment including a mixing desk. Two exhibition rooms off the main performance space can be hired separately.

During library opening times, the space reverts to the reference section where library users can do their research, studying, work or read the newspaper.

The reference section was originally a separate building used for theatre and community events before it became part of Wimbledon library. Its heritage has been restored through Merton Arts Space, which was set up with £65,626 funding from the Arts Council.

The initial year of the Merton Arts Space project runs until July. Theatre groups, bands, orchestras and arts organisations interested in staging performances or exhibitions are encouraged to contact Merton Council which is putting together an exciting programme of events for 2017.

Cabinet member for community and culture, Councillor Nick Draper said: “It is fantastic to see the curtain go up in Merton Arts Space on this, its official opening night, after all the hard work and creativity which has gone into transforming part of the Wimbledon Library building into a unique joint library and multi-use arts venture.

“Merton Arts Space is a truly versatile venue with excellent transport links in the heart of Wimbledon. If you’re an arts organisation, call us soon while we still have time slots left for 2017.”

For more information about staging a performance or holding an exhibition at Merton Arts Space, please call 0333 370 4700 or email

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December 6, 2016