Watch Out For Bogus Rubbish Collector

He asks residents for a fee to take away their waste

A bogus waste collector has been calling on local homes and asking for a fee to collect rubbish, warns Merton Council.

Several residents have told the borough council that the man has been knocking on doors and enquiring about uncollected rubbish. He then proceeds to asking residents for a fee to collect the rubbish and bulky waste and once the money has been paid, dumps the rubbish in the streets.

Residents needing their bulky waste collected can call the council on 020 8274 4902 or log on to for further information.

The council says staff carry their I.D badges and residents are advised to ask to see these badges before any rubbish is collected.

If you are approached by anyone offering to remove your rubbish and bulky waste for a cash fee call the council’s trading standards team on 020 8545 4098.

Merton Council’s cabinet member for community safety, engagement and equalities, Councillor Edith Macauley said: “We put the safety of our residents first and we’ll be doing everything in our power to catch the perpetrator. We just ask that residents are extra cautious and always ask for identification if anyone turns up at their door. Residents can call our main reception on 0208 274 4901 to verify”.

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February 5, 2016