Operation Wellington is underway
Police have launched an anti-burglary campaign in Merton following an increase in offences in the borough.
Operation Wellington will involve both high visibility uniformed teams and plain clothes units, employing a range of tactics to deter, detect and arrest burglars currently having an impact on residents and businesses.
Police say although Merton remains one of the safest Boroughs in London (overall reported crime down from 1,280 offences in January to 1,170 offences now), there has been a "significant" increase in burglary offences.
Detective Sergeant Teresa Foster, leading Merton's Burglary and Robbery Investigation Team (BRIT) said: "Based on direct information from officers out on the street responding to calls, and through analysis of reports coming in, Operation Wellington aims to put the fear of crime right back onto the offender. We're operating at all hours of the day and night, so there's no resting place for offenders committing these crimes in Merton.
"If you have a sliding patio door, don't just rely on the central lock supplied – why not fit extra security locks to the top and bottoms of the opening section of the patio door, and check your door has an anti-lifting device.
"If the glass isn't laminated, fit an appropriate window film which does the job. All these items are easily available from any DIY store for a few pounds, and might help bring your house insurance costs down."
Superintendent Pete Dobson, head of police operations, said: "Together with your help in making your property more secure and our 'Operation Wellington' we can boot the burglars out of Merton and make it an even safer place."
Police are advising:
March 25, 2011