Young Carers Take Starring Role In Film-Making Project

Project aimed at boosting self-esteem and making friends

Young carers in Merton, including young people from Wimbledon, have been letting their imaginations run wild in a collaborative filmmaking project led by charity Create.

The young people, who care for disabled or unwell family members, came together to produce short cinematic masterpieces, boosting their self-esteem and helping them to develop friendships along the way.

The project started with the young carers exploring what the theme "exchanges" means to them. This allowed the group to delve deep into their imaginations and write plots ranging from Prince and the Pauper style role-reversals to spy capers with undercover agents exchanging briefcases.

They then got to grips with digital recording equipment and, under the guidance of Create’s professional filmmaker Lesley Pinder, wrote, filmed, edited and performed in a series of short films.

Co-Founder and Chief Executive of Create, Nicky Goulder, said: "Young carers often face feelings of isolation as people who aren't carers can find it difficult to understand  the social and psychological impact of being a carer.

"Thanks to funding from BBC Children in Need, The Eleanor Rathbone Charitable Trust and The Queen’s Trust, young carers from Carers Support Merton were given the chance to meet young people with whom they can share experiences, and gain social-skills and self-confidence that will improve their quality of life."

October 29, 2015