Merton Healthcare Service Stages Its AGM

Residents invited to attend and ask questions

The Governing Body of NHS Merton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) invite all Merton residents to the 2015 Annual General Meeting of the Governing Body of NHS Merton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

It takes place on September 24 from 6pm-8pm at Morden Assembly Hall, Tudor Drive, Morden, SM4 4PJ.

Dr Andrew Murray, Clinical Chair of Merton CCG, said: "Merton Clinical Commissioning Group is responsible for planning and buying healthcare services for the people who live or work in the borough. We are made up of local GPs and health professionals. We value our close working relationships with the patients, carers and stakeholders who help us to develop the health services that you rely on.

"Our AGM will give you the opportunity to find out about what we have achieved over the last year, how we have used the funding available to us and the part that you can play in helping us to improve health and wellbeing in Merton."

The AGM will feature a keynote presentation on mental health services – including new services for people with depression and anxiety which will help improve access and waiting times and new complex depression and anxiety service (CDAS) to help meet the needs of patients with more complex needs.

Adam Doyle, Chief Officer for NHS Merton CCG, said: "The NHS is facing some tough challenges ahead and we know people have concerns about this. Our AGM is an opportunity to discuss these challenges and find out more about our plans to tackle them, reduce health inequalities and build a sustainable health service that will serve the people of Merton now and in the future.

"This will be a chance to reflect back on our successes over the year and also to talk about our priorities going forward and how local people can get involved in the discussions."

In their recently published annual report, Merton CCG says it has made significant progress in:

  • ·         Increasing mental health services in Merton: a new complex depression and anxiety service (CDAS), autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) services.
  • ·         Out-of-hospital care: opened a new 21st century health centre on the old Nelson hospital site and submitted plans to NHSE for a second health centre in Mitcham.
  • ·         The diagnosis rate for dementia - we increased the detection and diagnosis rate of people with dementia from 49.9% to 66.5%.
  • ·         Increasing access to psychological therapies: we delivered the national target of 15% of our population.
  • ·         In addition, our Better Care Fund (BCF) submission was one of only five plans (out of 151 nationally) graded 'high quality' by NHS England.

There will be an opportunity to ask the Governing Body questions. Questions can be submitted beforehand by emailing

In 2014/15 Merton CCG was responsible for spending £218m on hospital and community health services for patients. Full details are in the 2014/15 Annual Report.

Residents can find out more about the AGM or book a place to attend by contacting Tony Foote by e-mail at:

NHS Merton CCG will also be holding its Governing Body meeting in public earlier in the day from 9am, again offering local people a chance to quiz the health body on its upcoming plans.

Anyone who is unable to attend and is on Twitter can follow what is being discussed through the CCG’s official Twitter account @NHSMertonCCG, which will be live tweeting from the AGM using the hashtag #MertonCCGAGM.

For more information on the AGM, please visit

September 17, 2015