Merton Chamber Of Commerce Marks Birthday

Anniversary year starts with award

Merton Chamber of Commerce has marked the start of its 20th birthday year by celebrating an award for its Chief Execcutive, Diana Sterck.

She has won the 'Contribution to Merton's Community award', and received the honour at the Merton Staff Excellence Awards at Chak89 in Mitcham.

The awards recognise and celebrate excellence within Merton and the winners, announced by council leader Stephen Alambritis and Mayor Gilli Lewis-Lavender, were chosen for their commitment to providing top quality services.

Ged Curran (left), Merton Council chief executive, said: "We were delighted to be able to recognise the work that Diana does given the very important role Merton Chamber of Commerce plays in the borough.

"Diana's enthusiasm has brought the value of partnership working to the forefront and she is a very deserving winner."

Merton Chamber of Commerce, which works with around 400 businesses in the borough, will celebrate its birthday with special events and Olympic legacy projects throughout the year.

February 4, 2012

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Diana Sterck and Gilli Lewis-Lavender

Merton Chamber of Commerce