Celebration of local triumphs taking place in April
The Merton Civic Awards will showcase and celebrate people who do amazing things for our borough at a ceremony on Thursday April 24 at The Wimbledon Studios.
The Merton Civic Awards is a partnership between Merton Council and the Wimbledon Guardian, with sponsorship from a number of top businesses from across the borough.
This year Merton Means Businesses, an innovative joint programme delivered by MVSC and Merton Chamber of Commerce, is sponsoring the ‘Business Award’.
This category acknowledges and celebrates those private sector businesses that are supporting our community. Do you a business in Merton that is supporting our community? Then this is your chance to nominate and thank them for their incredible generosity!
Nominations from the public will be collected until Friday February 7 with a shortlist created of the most worthy candidates ahead of the ceremony at The Wimbledon Studios.
Categories include
Young Persons Outstanding Achievement Award
Parent/Carer Award
Arts & Entertainment Award
Volunteer Award
Teacher Award
Business Award
Community Award
Sporting Achievement Award
Act of Courage Award
January 24, 2014