Air your views at local public meeting
A public meeting on the future of the London fire and rescue service is being held at the Civic Centre in Morden on Tuesday May 21.
The meeting is part of a London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) consultation on its Draft Fifth London Safety Plan.
It takes place in the council chamber from 7pm-9pm, when the authority will set out how the capital's fire and rescue service could be delivered over the next few years.
Amongst other things, it includes plans to keep within target attendance times for getting to incidents, and details how savings worth £28.8m could be made.
These proposals also involve the closure of 12 fire stations (Wimbledon and Mitcham are not on the list), the removal of 18 fire engines, the redeployment of four fire engines and a reduction in the number of firefighter posts of 520.
For full details of the plan proposals and our online consultation go to:
When consultation on the full plan is complete, all the responses will be analysed. A report will be prepared and considered by LFEPA, who make decisions on the proposals in the plan.
The final decision is expected to be made later this year.
April 29, 2013