Help The Local Flood Risk Strategy

How should flood risks be managed?

Merton Council is asking residents and businesses to contribute towards the preparation of Merton's Local Flood Risk Management Strategy between now and and January 31.

As a Lead Local Flood Authority, Merton Council, along with all unitary and county councils in the country, has a duty to manage flood risk in its area. This initial consultation gives residents and businesses the opportunity to help influence how potential flood risks are managed in the future.

If you want to be part of the survey, you can complete the questionnaire online at Postage-paid paper copies will be available in libraries and community centres later this month. You can also write to the council's traffic and highways services team at the civic centre in Morden by emailing

The strategy will set out clear advice to residents, businesses and developers, on how flood risk will be managed by the different organisations involved including Merton Council, the Environment Agency, Thames Water and Transport for London.

Merton Council cabinet member for environmental sustainability and regeneration Councillor Andrew Judge said: "Flooding is something that could potentially affect all of us in the London area, so this is a good initial opportunity for us to hear from residents and businesses about their concerns and what they think should be in our flooding strategy so we are as prepared as possible to deal with incidents which could arise in the future."

More information on flood risk management can be found at

November 8, 2013